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Beef Cobbler

Pot Meals

Beef stew, topped with rounds of very thick pastry or scone, baked. Similar to, and presumably derived from, the fruit cobbler.

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Beef Cobbler Recipe

1 1/4 lb stewing or braising steak, cut into cubes
1 oz plain flour
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
salt and pepper
1 onion, chopped
3 tablespoons oil
4 oz baby carrots
2 parsnips, quartered and sliced
1 pint beef stock
4 oz frozen peas

For the topping:
8 oz self- raising flour
pinch of salt
2 oz butter or margarine
1 egg, beaten plus extra to glaze
3 tablespoons milk

1. Toss the meat in a mixture of the flour, herbs and seasoning. Cook in the oil until browned. Transfer to a casserole.
2. Cook the onion in the oil until soft and add to the casserole with the carrots, parsnips and beef stock. Season to taste. Cover and cook in a moderate oven for 2 hours until the meat is cooked. Stir in the peas.
3. Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, rub in the fat until the mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs.
4. Stir in the beaten egg and enough milk to make a soft dough. Roll out on a lightly floured work surface to about 1 in thick. Cut into rounds using a 2 in scone cutter.
5. Place the cobblers on top of the meat in the casserole, increase the oven heat and bake for 15 minutes.

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