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Brighton Cakes


Individual paper-case cakes with lemon or rose flavouring and currants. Known at least since advertisements of the 1850's

Original Receipt from 'Saleable Shop Goods for Counter-Tray and Window:' by Frederick T Vine (Vine 1907)

No. 51.- Brighton Cakes

3 lbs. flour, 11/4 lbs. sugar.
18ozs. butter. 1oz. volatile.
12 eggs. Milk.
Essence of lemon.

Mode, - Break the volatile down in a mortar with a little milk; cream up the butter and sugar, adding the gs in the usual manner; add a few drops of essence of lemon; beat in the volatile, and mix in the flour with milk. Lay out in 1d. round-papered tins, dredge some sugar over, and sprinkle a few currants on top, and bake in a warm oven.

Original Receipt from 'The practice of cookery' By Mrs. Dalgairns (Dalgairns 1830)

With one pound of dried and sifted flour mix half a pound of srfted loaf sugar three ounces of sweet and one ounce of bitter almonds pounded with a little rose water, and,. If approved four ounces of cleaned currants, stir into this half a pound of fresh butter beaten to a cream, mix it well together. The cakes may be baked in very small tins or dropped in rough knobs upon floured tins

Brighton Cake distress during post-war rationing
Sussex Agricultural Express - Friday 25 April 1947

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