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Chesterfield Steamed Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

A steamed sponge pudding with fruit and lemon, served with a lemon-and-wine sauce.

See also: Chesterfield Ice-Cream Pudding

Original Receipt in the 'Dundee Courier' - Wednesday 24 March 1897

Chesterfield Pudding.—Take 4 oz butter, 5 oz sugar, six eggs, 5 oz. breadcrumbs, 4 oz four, 3 oz sultanas, 1 oz. dried cherries, and 2 oz finely chopped lemon peel, one glass of brandy, one glass of port wine, the rind of one lemon, and a little essence of almonds. Slightly warm the butter in a basin, and with a wooden spoon beat to a cream; then beat in oz. powdered white sugar and add one egg at time until all six are worked in; then stir in the flour, breadcrumbs and fruit; mix lightly together, and put the mixture in a buttered mould dusted with flour, and steam two hours; when cooked turn the mould onto a hot dish, and pour over it the following mixture - Melt 2 oz. sugar in a, tablespoonful of water, grate in the rind of one lemon, add one glass of brandy and the same of port wine; serve the pudding very hot.

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