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Kentish Sauce

Sauces and Spicery

A product called 'Kentish Sauce' is known from references in newspaper advertisements from the mid-19thCentury as a bottled sauce of unknown composition "A capital and wholesome relish for fish, soups, steaks, and especially for cold meat, where pickles do not agree with the stomach". We note from a report in The Lancet that it is, pleasingly, "entirely free from poisonous metals".

The same name is applied to a cinnamon sauce known from the 1890s as an accompaniment for Boiled gooseberry pudding

South Eastern Gazette - Tuesday 08 January 1856

From the medical journal 'The Lancet' of April 30 1888

Original Receipt from Barnsley Chronicle, etc. - Saturday 12 October 1895

Boiled gooseberry pudding is rendered still better if served with Kentish Sauce. The pudding is mode as usual, but without any sugar, or, if berries are very sour, very little may added, and put on boil. Beat up egg, then beat in about three tablespoonfuls of moist sugar and half a teaspoonful of powdered cinnamon. When the pudding is cooked and placed on the dish in which it is served, cut a small round out the top it, pour in the egg and the sugar, replace top, serve.

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