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Almond Butter

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Cream-and-egg custard with Sack, ground almonds and sugar (Wooley 1672, Moxon 1764)

Original Receipt in Wooley 1672;

222. To make Cambridge Almond Butter. Take a Quart of Cream and sixteen Eggs well beaten, mix them together and strain them into a Posnet, set them on a soft fire, and stir them continually; when it is ready to boil, put in half a quarter of a Pint of Sack, and stir it till it run to a Curd, then strain the Whey from it as much as may be, then beat four Ounces of blanched Almonds with Rosewater, then put the Curd and beaten Almonds and half a pound of fine Sugar into a Mortar, and beat them well together, then put it into Glasses and eat it with bread, it will keep a Fortnight.

Original Receipt in 'English Housewifry' by Elizabeth Moxon, 1764 (Moxon 1764)

264. To make ALMOND BUTTER.

Take a quart of cream, and half a pound of almonds, beat them with the cream, then strain it, and boil it with twelve yolks of eggs and two whites, till it curdle, hang it up in a cloth till morning and then sweeten it; you may rub it through a sieve with the back of a spoon, or strain it through a coarse cloth.

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