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Apple Charlotte

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Buttered-bread lined individual mould filled with spiced apple puree, baked until the bread lining is crisp, turned out and served hot.

Known at least since 1796 in an article 'Hasty-pudding' in New York Magazine ·of January 1796; "The Charlotte brown, within whose crusty sides A belly soft the pulpy apple hides." (OED)

(Eaton 1822, Acton 1845, etc)

Original Receipt from The Art of Cookery Made Easy and Refined by John Mollard, 1802 (Mollard 1802)


Stew some apples with a bit of fresh butter, a little syrup of quinces, half a pound of apricot jam, and half a gill of brandy; rub all through a hair-sieve, add a few dried cherries, and put into a mould lined with bread cut in diamonds of four inches square and half an inch thick, and previously dipped in oiled butter. Cover with slices of bread, likewise dipped in butter, bake of a light colour, and sift sugar over.

Original Receipt in 'The Cook and Housekeeper's Dictionary' by Mary Eaton (Eaton 1822);

CHARLOTTE. Rub a baking-dish thick with butter, and line the bottom and sides with very thin slices of white bread. Put in layers of apples thinly sliced, strewing sugar between, and bits of butter, till the dish is full. In the mean time, soak in warm milk as many thin slices of bread as will cover the whole; over which lay a plate, and a weight to keep the bread close on the apples. To a middling sized dish use half a pound of butter in the whole, and bake slowly for three hours.

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