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Biscuit Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Milk, egg and crushed biscuits, baked (Walsh 1859, etc)

Original Receipt from 'The English Cookery Book' edited by JH Walsh Walsh 1859;

Biscuit Pudding.
S97. Pour one pint of boiling milk on three penny Naples biscuits grated, cover it close; when cold, stir in the yolks of four and the whites of two eggs, a little brandy, half a spoonful of flour, and some sugar. Boil this an hour in a basin, and serve it with pudding-sauce; some almonds may be blanched and cut in four, and stuck over the pudding.
Another.- Weigh two eggs, and take equal weight of flour and sugar, and a quarter of a pound of butter beaten to a cream; add the two eggs beaten, and mix well. This is suificient for six small cups filled three parts full, bake them in a slow oven twenty minutes. Serve with wine sauce.

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