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Cabbage Cake

Fruit and Vegetables

Cabbage leaves layered with minced items such as beef, or cooked apple with dark fruit. Baked until crisp at the edges, turned out. Meat-free version is served with roast pork. (Cassell 1883, etc)

Original Receipt from 'Cassell's Dictionary of Cookery' (Cassell 1883)

Cabbage Cake. - Boil a large cabbage till it is quite tender. Drain the water from it, and chop it small. Butter the inside of a piedish, and dust it with finely-grated breadcrumbs. Place on these a layer of chopped cabbage about an inch thick, then a layer of cold beef or mutton finely minced and flavoured; repeat until the pie-dish is nearly full, making the top laver of the cabbage. Lay three or four rashers of bacon over it and put the dish in a moderate oven. When it is heated thoroughly and the bacon cooked turn it out as from a mould and pour good brown gravy round it. Probable cost without the cold meat, 2d or 3d. Sufficient, a small pie-dish full, for three or four persons.

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