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Chester Pudding

Pies and Pastries

Pastry case filled with confection of almonds, sugar, egg and lemon, topped with stiff egg-white, baked. A precursor to Lemon Meringue Pie

The name 'Chester Pudding' has also been applied to several different forms of steamed pudding (See: Chester Steamed Pudding), but this lemon tart version is by far the most frequently reported.

Original Receipt from 'The English Cookery Book' Edited by JH Walsh, 1859 (Walsh 1859)

Chester Pudding Take a stewpan and oil two ounces of butter, blanch twelve bitter and twelve sweet almonds, pound them in a mortar. Take four ounces of powdered loaf sugar, the yolks of four eggs well beaten, the rind of a large lemon grated and the juice. Put all these ingredients Into the butter In the stewpan and stir constantly till quite hot. Then put it into a dish lined with pastry and bake it half an hour. Beat the whites of the eggs till perfectly stiff, put them upon the top of the pudding and put it in the oven till it Is set and is of a light brown colour.

Original Receipt from the 'Newcastle Journal' - Thursday 01 January 1914

An ounce of sweet almonds blanched and crushed, a quarter of a pound of castor, sugar, three two ounces of butter, and a little short pastry. Line a small pie-dish with pastry rolled very thin, decorate the edge, and brush it over with beaten egg. Melt the butter and sugar in pan with the almonds.- Stir in the yolks of three eggs and the of one; stir the mixture over gentle fire till it thickens, taking care it does not burs; then pour it into the prepared dish. Bake for .half hour, or until set. Whip the remaining egg whites a stiff froth with tablespoon full of sugar. Pile it the top of the pudding and return it to the oven for a few minutes. This pudding is good either hot cold.

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