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Chocolate Custard Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Set chocolate custard with sugar and, sometimes, spices (Walsh 1859, etc)

Original Receipt from 'The English Cookery Book' edited by JH Walsh Walsh 1859;

Chocolate Pudding.
948. Scrape down very fine two ounces of prepared chocolate, and add to it a tea-spoonful of nutmeg and cinnamon mixed. Put it into a saucepan, and pour over it a quart of rich milk, stirring it well; cover it, and let it come to a boil. Then stir up the chocolate, and press out all the lumps; repeat this until it is quite smooth. Then stir in by degrees, while it boils, a quarter of a pound of sifted sugar, and set it to cool. Beat eight eggs very well, and pour through a strainer to the chocolate; stir well, and bake. This pudding should be eaten cold

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