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Cupid Hedge-Hogs

Sweets and Toffee

Almonds boiled in sugar, rolled in coloured comfits. "They are pretty to put in glasses, or to set in a desert." (Moxon 1764)

Original Receipt in 'English Housewifry' by Elizabeth Moxon, 1764 (Moxon 1764)

387. To make CUPID HEDGE-HOG'S.
Take a quarter of a pound of jordan almonds, and half a pound of loaf sugar, put it into a pan with as much water as will just wet it, let it boil whilst it be so thick as will stick to your almonds, then put in your almonds and let them boil in it; have ready a quarter of a pound of small coloured comfits; take your almonds out of the syrrup one by one, and turn them round whilst they covered over, so lie them on a pewter dish as you do them, and set them before the fire, whilst you have done them all.
They are pretty to put in glasses, or to set in a desert.

See: Almond Hedgehogs

An Apple Hedgehog
from Acton 1845

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