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Fish Pie


Assorted fish pieces, now almost invariably in a cream sauce, under a topping of mashed potato, baked. Ocasionally with a paste crust (Francatelli 1852, Mrs.B, etc)

Original Receipt in Francatelli 1852;

No. 63. A Fish Pie.
Cut up any kind of fish into pieces the size of an egg; season these with chopped parsley, thyme, a little onion, pepper and salt, and put them into a pie-dish, with a pint of water, well mixed with three ounces of flour and a little mushroom ketchup; cover the pie with a flour crust, or else with stiff mashed potatoes, and bake it for an hour and a quarter.

Original Receipt from 'Pot-luck; or, The British home cookery book' by May Byron (Byron 1914)

185. FISH PIE (Hertfordshire)

Put three-quarters of a pint of milk into a saucepan, with half a small onion, two cloves, a few thin strips of lemon peel, two or three pieces of parsley, and some salt and pepper, and let the milk simmer gently for twenty minutes. Make a paste in a saucepan with an ounce and a quarter of butter, and an ounce and a quarter of flour. Strain the milk and mix it gradually with the paste, thus making a thick sauce; ascertain whether more pepper and salt is required, and add a teaspoonful of anchovy essence. Butter a pie dish, and place a layer of cooked fish which has been divided into flakes, in it, and cover it with some of the prepared sauce, a few shrimps, and a little chopped parsley; then put more fish and the remainder of the sauce and some shrimps and parsley as before. Have in readiness some smoothly mashed potato, which has been well seasoned with salt, pepper, and nutmeg, and mix with some milk, butter, and the yolk

For other types of fish pie see:
Carp Pie
Eel Pie
Fish Pie
Lyme Bay Fish Pie
Salmon Pie
Smoked Fish Pie
Suffolk Fish Pie

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