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Harvest Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

The name 'Harvest Pudding' is known from literary references at least since the early 19th Century. There does not appear to be any definitive form above the inclusion of dried fruit.

Original Receipt from the Newcastle Journal - Saturday 11 November 1916

HARVEST PUDDING. Mix four ounces of finely-shred suet with two ounces of brown sugar and four ounces of stoned raisins; add a pinch of salt and an egg beaten with a little milk. Put the mixture into a greased basin and steam it for three hours longer. If no steam is available turn a saucer upside down in the boiler, and when the water boils put the pudding basin on the inverted saucer. The water should reach half-way the basin, and be kept at that height by adding more boiling water that in the pan diminishes by evaporation.

J.Salmon gives a dish lined with buttered bread, filled with fruit, sugar and suet. Covered with bread slice and baked.

Harvest Pudding after the J Salmon receipt.
Image: Alex Bray...

Original Receipt from J.Salmon


6 - 8 slices of medium bread, medium sliced
1lb cooking apples, peeled, cored, and sliced
2oz shredded suet
3 oz soft brown sugar
2 oz raisins
Grated rind of one lemon
2 medium eggs
1/2 pint of milk

Line a pie dish with some of the buttered bread slices. Mix together the apples, raisins, lemon rind, sugar and suet. Fill the pie dish with the mixture and then cover with the rest of the bread - buttered side up. Beat together the eggs and milk and pour over the top of the bread. Cover and leave to stand in a cool place for 2 hours. Preheat the oven to 180ºC/350ºF/gas mark 4 and bake the pie for 1 hour, rotating a 180º turn halfway through. Serve hot with dollops of clotted cream - hmmmm.

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