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Hock and Dough

Pies and Pastries

(or Hough-and-Dough) Pork scraps, such as hock or rib meat, with sliced potato, onion, stock and herbs baked in a dish the sides and part of the base of which are lined with suet pastry.

Wellingborough Town football club, one of the oldest in the country, are known as 'The Doughboys' after the dish. As this match report from the Luton News and Bedfordshire Chronicle - Thursday 25 February 1897. Look at the size of the crowd...
It was a glorious afternoon, and there must have been nearly 2,000 people present, the "gate" receipt amounting £39. There was a great shout of "Play up Hock" as Wellingborough began to attack. This aroused my curiosity, and I afterwards learned that tho nickname had been given to them because everyone at Wellingborough eats what is known "Hock and dough pudding" —this being hock pork cooked with potatoes and a suet crust. It has the reputation of being very palatable, but into its mysteries I dare not enter.

Dean Baldwin's Life of H.E. Bates tells that "Hock-and-Dough was a term still commonly used in Wellingborough, the market town with the public school on the Nene, when I was a child, the name deriving from some kind of poor man's dish of trotter and pastry said to be much favoured in that town but which the men of Rushden ... held to be food beneath contempt."

Original Receipt from 'The People' - Sunday 01 January 1939

INGREDIENTS: One hock, lb. suet, 1 lb. flour, 1 lb. onions, 2 lb. potatoes, salt and pepper.
Chop suet and mix flour and suet with a little salt into a soft dough. Roll out and line the sides of a dinner pan. Place hock In centre of pan, peel and cut up onions and potatoes, put them into the pan, add enough stock to half the depth of tin. Salt and pepper to taste. Bake for an hour and three-quarters.'— Miss M. Fitch, 69, Knox-rd., Wellingborough, Northants.

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