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(or, with an 'I' before 'J' came into common use; Iouncat, Ioncate, Iunket)

Sweetened milk set with rennet, often flavoured with almond rum or brandy.

Devonshire Junket
Image: tastebudsmagazine.co.uk

Known at least since John Russel's 'Boke of Nurture' of about 1460; "Milke, crayme, and cruddes, and eke the Ioncate, Şey close a mannes stomak..Şerfore ete hard chese aftir." (OED)

William Hone's 'The Every-day book; or, Everlasting calendar of popular amusements' of c1826 has; "Junket, made of raw milk and rennet..sweetened with sugar, and a little cream added [at Penzance]."

Original Receipt from 'Pot-luck; or, The British home cookery book' by May Byron (Byron 1914)

JUNKETS 612. JUNKET (Somerset)

Take one quart of new milk. Warm some of it with five knobs of loaf sugar, then pour the hot and cold milk together into a deep bowl. Add one good tablespoonful of brandy and one of rennet. Stir it well round together. Let it stand in a warm place to set, say on a dish on a cool part of the stove. Then remove it, and cover the top with Devonshire clotted cream. Throw over it a tablespoonful of brandy, then grate a little nutmeg on it and scatter sifted sugar. Walnuts are a welcome addition. Send to table with plain biscuits or bread.

613. JUNKET (Surrey)

One quart of milk, lukewarm (not scalded or even hot); two tablespoonfuls of soft white sugar; two tablespoonfuls of rum; one dessertspoonful of essence of rennet. Put the milk to stand on the stove for five or ten minutes to get sightly warm, then stir in the sugar and rum and mix them well, then add the rennet; stir it well, and then stir again in a few minutes. Leave the junket in a corner of the stove, not too hot, until it is solid, then grate a little nutmeg over it and put it to cool.

(N.B. Sherry may be advantageously substituted for the rum.)

614. COFFEE JUNKET (Surrey)

To one pint of new milk add half a teacupful of strong coffee, and one dessertspoonful of castor sugar. Make this as you would ordinary junket, using one teaspoonful of essence of rennet or one rennet tablet. Pour into the bowl it will be served in, and let it stand in a moderately cool place till set. Whip two-pennyworth of cream, add a little sugar, and arrange little dobs of cream on the top of the junket, just before it is sent to table.

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