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Kentish Sausage-Meat


Coarse-chopped lean pork and pork fat with salt, black pepper, sage and nutmeg. Forced into skins or prepared as a slab for slicing (Acton 1845)

Original Receipt from 'Modern Cookery for Private Families' by Eliza Acton (Acton 1845);

To three pounds of lean pork, add two of fat, and let both be taken clear of skin. As sausages are lighter, though not so delicate, when the meat is somewhat coarsely chopped, this difference should be attended to in making them. When the fat and lean are partially mixed, strew over them two ounces and a half of dry salt, beaten to powder, and mixed with one ounce of ground black pepper, and three large tablespoonsful of sage, very finely minced. Turn the meat with the chopping-knife, until the ingredients are well blended. Test it before it is taken off the block, by frying a small portion, that if more seasoning be desired, it may at once be added. A full-sized nutmeg, and a small dessertspoonsful of pounded mace, would, to many tastes, improve it.- This sausage-meat is usually formed into cakes, which, after being well floured, are roasted in a Dutch oven. They must be watched, and often turned, that no part may be scorched. The meat may also be put into skins, and dressed in any other way.

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