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Lincoln Salad

Fruit and Vegetables

'Lincoln Salad' appears in several English bills-of-fare of the the 1920's and 30's, but only one receipt is known, for a mix of watercress, beetroot, peas, rice, gherkins and beef in a dressing. There is also a 'Lincoln Salad' known from the USA, described in the 1833 'Boston Cook Book' by Mrs Mary Lincoln, likewise based on watercress and gherkin but using oysters as the meat component.

Lincoln Salad
Image: Alex Bray...

Original Receipt from 'The National Mark Calendar of Cooking' Compiled by 'Ambrose Heath' (born Francis Geoffrey Miller) for The Ministry of Agriculture, 1936

Lincoln Salad

1 crisp lettuce
1 beetroot – a few thin slices for decoration, and the remainder diced
2 tbsp cooked rice
1 tbsp chopped gherkin
4 tbsp chopped, lean, cooked beef
4 tbsp peas
2 -3 tbsp mayonnaise or French dressing (2 parts olive oil, 1 part vinegar, salt and pepper)

Wash the lettuce and watercress well and tear into small pieces – reserving some whole leaves.
Put everything into a bowl and mix, adding the mayonnaise or French dressing.
Arrange the whole lettuce leaves in a salad bowl, and pile the salad upon them, garnish with the sliced beetroot.

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