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Little Milk Cake


Dough of flour, sugar, butter, egg and milk, "cut it in pieces the size of eggs, roll them even, and ... bake quick" (Soyer 1845)

Original Receipt in 'A Shilling Cookery for The People' by Alexis Soyer (Soyer 1845);

394. Little Milk Cake for Breakfast.- Place on a table or slab one pound of flour, half a teaspoonful of salt, two of sugar, three of fresh yeast, or a very small piece of German, two ounces of butter and one egg; have some new milk, pour in a gill, mix all together, adding more milk to form a nice dough, then put some flour in a cloth, put the dough in, and lay it in a warm place; let it rise for about two hours, cut it in pieces the size of eggs, roll them even, and mark the top with a sharp knife; egg over and bake quick; serve hot or cold.
A Common Sort.- Only yeast, salt, milk, and butter, and proceed as before.
Cottage Sort.- To one pound of flour, two ounces of lard or dripping, the yeast and skim milk.
Sweet Sort.- To one pound of flour three teaspoonfuls of yeast, two ounces of lard or dripping, quarter of a pound of sugar, a few currants or caraway seeds: bake quick when well risen.

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