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Marmalade Tart

Pies and Pastries

Mix of butter, sugar, breadcrumbs, eggs and marmalade, in an open case, baked.

Marmalade Tart
Image: Alex Bray...

Known at least since 1872 when Marmalade Tart it is mentioned in Wilkie Collins' novel 'Poor Miss Finch'

Throughout the late 19th Century the Liverpool marmalade-makers William Hartley & Sons Limited repeatedly advertised in newspapers by simply inserting little receipts in the small-ads columns, such as...

Original Receipt from advertisement in 'Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser' - Monday 08 January 1883

Marmalade Tart.— Two tablespoonfuls of Hartley's Marmalade, 2 eggs, 2 oz butter, all beaten together; make the tart open and pour the contents in. Bake in a sharp oven. Or it may be made similarly to an open jam tart, putting the Marmalade on cold, after the pastry is baked. HARTLEY'S MARMALADE IS GUARANTEED PURE

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