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Medlar Jelly


Medlars boiled with sugar, strained and and set. Known until the late 19th Century.


Original Receipt in 'The Encyclopedia of Cookery' by Theodore Garrett (Garrett 1891);

Medlar Jelly. — (1) Procure very ripe Medlars, peel, put them in a stewpan with just enough water to cover, and stew gently, stirring frequently. When quite tender, pass the Medlar pulp through a fine hair sieve, weigh the pulp and juice, and for every pint allow ljlb. of loaf sugar. Boil all together until sufficiently reduced, then pass it through a jelly-bag. Turn the jelly into small jars, and when quite cold cover first with brandied papers and then with parchment, and tie down.

(2) Procure the requisite quantity of ripe Medlars, put them in a jar, first bruising them slightly, cover with cold water, and tie a piece of stout paper over the jar. Put it in a slow oven, and leave for twelve hours. At the end of that time, strain all the juice off the Medlars, hut without pressing, measure it, and for every breakfast-cupful of juice, allow 1 breakfast-cupful of coarsely-crushed loaf sugar. Put them together in a preserving-pan, and boil until reduced to a jelly, keeping it well skimmed and stirred. When ready, pour the jelly into glasses or jars, and leave until cold. Put a round of brandied paper in each jar, and cover with wet parchment, tying it down.

(3) Put the Medlars into a preserving-pan with just sufficient cold water to cover, and boil until soft. Afterwards mb them through a fine sieve, measure the pulp, and for every pint allow Jib. of coarsely-crushed loaf sugar and h teaspoonful of allspice. Put all together into the preserving-pan, and boil gently for lialf-an-hour, keeping it well skimmed and stirred. When ready, turn the jelly into jars, let it get cool, then put in each jar a round of brandied paper; cover with, parchment, tie down, and pack away in a dry store cupboard.

(4) Put some ripe Medlars into a jar, stand it in a saucepan, pour in boiling water almost to the height of the jar, but not enough to go over it, and simmer gently. When the Medlars are tender, take them out of the jar, and lay them on a silk sieve with a basin placed underneath to catch the drippings. When all the juice has run from the Medlars, measure it off, and for every breakfast-cupful allow an equal quantity of caster sugar. Put the juice of the Medlars in a lined preserving-pan, and when boiling stir the sugar in hy degrees. When the sugar has quite dissolved, take the pan off' the fire, turn the mixture into a jelly-mould, and leave till set. When ready for serving, dip the mould into lukewarm water to loosen the jelly at the sides, then wipe, turn it quickly over on to a dish, and serve.

See also: Medlar Cheese

Medlars from 'A Book of Fruits and Flowers', 1653

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