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Monday Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Slices of left-over pudding cooked with custard. A form of Bread Pudding.

Original Receipt in 'The Young Cook's Assistant, and Housekeeper's Guide' by P. Masters (1841)

681 A Monday Pudding
Butter a mould and put into it half an inch apart some slices of a plum pudding cooked the previous day, beat four eggs, add a pint of milk and fill up the mould. Put a paper on the top and tie a cloth over it. Boil or steam it an hour. then turn it out and serve with wine sauce. It is also very good with the addition of a little bread pudding put between the slices of plum pudding and finished as above.

Original Receipt in 'The Book of Household Management', 1861, edited by Isabella Beeton (See Mrs.B)

1312. INGREDIENTS: The remains of cold plum-pudding, brandy, custard made with 5 eggs to every pint of milk.
Mode: Cut the remains of a good cold plum-pudding into finger-pieces, soak them in a little brandy, and lay them cross-barred in a mould until full. Make a custard with the above proportion of milk and eggs, flavouring it with nutmeg or lemon-rind; fill up the mould with it; tie it down with a cloth, and boil or steam it for an hour. Serve with a little of the custard poured over, to which has been added a tablespoonful of brandy.
Time: 1 hour.
Average cost: exclusive of the pudding, 6d.
Sufficient: for 5 or 6 persons.
Seasonable: at any time.

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