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Mulled Wine


(or Muld, Mult)

Hot wine with spices.

The phrase is known at least since George Wilkins' 'Miseries Inforst Mariage' of 1607; "I can drinke Muscadine and Egges, and Muld-sack.", and is recorded in the 'English etymology' of George William Lemon of 1783, but the origin is unclear.

Like the early Negus and Hippocras, mulled wines may have been made with half-a-view to the supposed medicinal properties of the various added spices. See also: Smoking Bishop, Mulled Ale.

Original Receipt in 'The Book of Household Management', 1861, edited by Isabella Beeton (See Mrs.B)

1838. INGREDIENTS: To every pint of wine allow 1 large cupful of water, sugar and spice to taste.
Mode: In making preparations like the above, it is very difficult to give the exact proportions of ingredients like sugar and spice, as what quantity might suit one person would be to another quite distasteful. Boil the spice in the water until the flavour is extracted, then add the wine and sugar, and bring the whole to the boiling-point, when serve with strips of crisp dry toast, or with biscuits. The spices usually used for mulled wine are cloves, grated nutmeg, and cinnamon or mace. Any kind of wine may be mulled, but port and claret are those usually selected for the purpose; and the latter requires a very large proportion of sugar. The vessel that the wine is boiled in must be delicately clean, and should be kept exclusively for the purpose. Small tin warmers may be purchased for a trifle, which are more suitable than saucepans, as, if the latter are not scrupulously clean, they will spoil the wine, by imparting to it a very disagreeable flavour. These warmers should be used for no other purposes.

Mulled Wine at a funeral
Oxford Journal - Saturday 14 August 1779

Original Receipt from 'Pot-luck; or, The British home cookery book' by May Byron (Byron 1914)

1004. MULLED WINE (Middlesex)
Boil in a quarter of a pint of water, for about ten minutes, three cloves, a bit of cinnamon, a little fresh lemon peel, and one ounce and a half of loaf sugar; skim, and then add a pint of port wine; when the whole begins to boil, take it off, strain it, and grate in some nutmeg; serve with toasted bread. French red wine may be used, but in that case more sugar will be necessary.

1005. MULLED WINE (Surrey)

Break nine eggs, the yolks and whites separately, and beat them separately, adding three or four spoonfuls of sugar. Pour a bottle of good wine into a skillet, with half a pint of water; and when it boils, put the yolks and whites together, beating them well, with half a pint more water, and pour them to the wine in the skillet, stirring quickly as you pour. When all is thoroughly blended, turn out the liquor into a hot jug (earthenware for preference) and grate some nutmeg in it. To be served very hot.

See: Made-Wine

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