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Norwood Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

A form of bread-and butter pudding with added suet and fruit.

Original Receipt in 'Little dinners, how to serve them with elegance and economy' (1874) by Mary Hooper

Norwood Pudding.

Butter a tart-dish. Cut the crumb of a stale French roll into thin slices, and over each spread a layer of the following mixture : — An ounce of finely sliced beef-suet, half an ounce of bruised candy peel, chopped almost to dust, three tablespoonfuls of apple marmalade, or of baked apples sweetened, and four bitter almonds pounded; mix all well together. Having arranged the slices of roll neatly in the dish, pour over a custard made of an egg and half a pint of milk (see remarks on pudding making), sweetened and flavoured with brandy of Curaçao. Let the pudding bake in a slow oven for two hours, turn it out of the dish, and sift white sugar over it.

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