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Pot Meals
Durham, Yorkshire, Northumberland

Sheep-meat chops with stock, sliced onion and potato, baked together.

Despite its olde-English sound, the name does not appear in any of the Northumberland glossaries, such as Richard Heslop's 'Northumberland Words' of 1892, and seems to be unknown to the Northumberland Language Society's website.

Image: Unknown

Original Receipt from Alnwick Mercury - Saturday 28 January 1939

PANJOTHERAM Fill a deep pie dish three-quarters full with slices of raw potatoes, then cut over a good layer of sliced onions. Season plentifully with pepper and salt, and pour boiling water into the pie dish until it is half full. Then lay a mutton chop on top for each person. Cover with plate and set in the oven. It will take two hours in a good oven, watching it so that it does not go dry.

Original Receipt adapted from A Taste of Northumbria by Dorothy Baldock, c1996


8 lamb chops, trimmed
1.5 - 2 lbs potatoes, peeled and sliced
3 onions, peeled and sliced
1 pint beef stock, slightly thickened with a little flour
salt and black pepper


Set oven to 325F or Gas Mark 3 (160C). Dust the chops lightly with a little seasoned flour. In a deep casserole arrange layers of the potatoes and the onions, season each layer. Bring the stock to the boil and pour over sufficient to come half way up the vegetables. Arrange the chops on top of the vegetables, cover with a lid and cook for 1.5-2 hours, adding more hot stock as necessary. Serve with carrots and a green vegetable.
Serves 4

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