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Paradise Slice

Pies and Pastries

Tray-baked cake of a shortcrust base covered with jam and filled with a dense fruit sponge, usually including cherries and ground nuts. Sugar or icing threads on top, sliced.

The origin is unknown, and doesn't seem to appear before about 1980.

Image: http://johndwyer.co.uk

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Paradise Slices

1 lb sweetened shortcrust pastry
8 oz sugar
3 oz ground almonds
3 oz desiccated coconut
1/2 lb butter, softened
2 large eggs
6 oz rice flour
6 oz sultanas
glace cherries
raspberry jam

Blind bake the pastry in a dish about 1ins deep, allow to cool and spread with the jam. Blend the other ingredients, spoon onto the jam-covered base about 3/4ins thick. Smooth the surface. Bake at 350F for 40 minutes or until set and browned. Strew with sugar and cut into slices.

See also:
Paradise Loaf
Paradise Pudding
Paradise Slice

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