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Pickled Beans


Beans in vinegar and salt, "range them Row by Row in a Jar ...Thus you may preserve French-Beans, Harico's, &c. the whole Year about" (Evelyn 1699)

Original Receipt in 'Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets' by John Evelyn (Evelyn 1699)

9. Beans. Take such as are fresh, young, and approaching their full Growth. Put them into a strong Brine of White-Wine Vinegar and salt able to bear an Egg. Cover them very close, and so will they be preserved twelve Months: But a Month before you use them, take out what Quantity you think sufficient for your spending a quarter of a Year (for so long the second Pickle will keep them sound) and boil them in a skillet of fresh Water, till they begin to look green, as they soon will do. Then placing them one by one, (to drain upon a clean course Napkin) range them Row by Row in a Jarr, and cover them with Vinegar, and what spice you please; some Weight being laid upon [132] them to keep them under the Pickle. Thus you may preserve French-Beans, Harico's, &c. the whole Year about.

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