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Prince Albert's Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Whisked-egg cake mixture with raisins, candied peel and mace, steamed (Acton 1845, etc)

See: Fillet of Beef Prince Albert

Original Receipt from 'Modern Cookery for Private Families' by Eliza Acton (Acton 1845);

Prince Albert's Pudding.
Beat to a cream half a pound of fresh butter and mix with it by degrees an equal weight of pounded loaf-sugar, dried and sifted; add to these, after they nave been well beaten together, first the yolks, and then the whites of five fresh eggs, which have been thoroughly whisked apart; now strew lightly in, half a pound of the finest flour, dried and sifted, and last of all, half a pound of jar raisins, weighed after they are stoned. Put these ingredients, perfectly mixed, into a well-buttered mould, or floured cloth, and boil the pudding for three hours. Serve it with punch sauce. We recommend a little pounded mace, or the grated rind of a small lemon, to vary the flavour of this excellent pudding; and that when a mould is used, slices of candied peel should be laid rather thickly over it after it is buttered.

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