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Pynade or Pynnonade


(or Pinionade, pynenade, pynioniade, pynnonade, pynonad, pynyonade)

A confection of spiced nuts cohered into a mass. In one receipt (Cury 1390) fixed with egg, in another (Austin 1440) with honey, perhaps like modern nut brittle, with the advice that "if thou wolt make it in spycery (ie, as a sweetmeat), then put not chickens thereto."

Known also from the Exchequer records of 1329

Original Receipt from Cury 1390

Take Almandes iblaunched and drawe hem sumdell thicke [2] with gode broth oşer with water and set on the fire and seeş it, cast şerto zolkes of ayrenn ydrawe. take Pynes yfryed in oyle oşer in grece and şerto white Powdour douce, sugur and salt. & colour it wiş alkenet a lytel.
[1] Pynnonade. So named from the Pynes therein used. [2] sumdell thicke. Somewhat thick, thickish.

Original Receipt in the 15th Century 'Austin Manuscripts' (Austin 1440)

Pynade. Take Hony & good powder ginger, & Galyngale, & cinnamon, powder pepper, & graynys of parys, & boil y-fere; than take kyrnelys of Pynotys & caste thereto; & take chyconys y-sothe, & hew them in grease, & caste thereto, & let seethe y-fere; & then let droppe ther-of on a knyf; & if it cleuyth & wexyth hard, it ys y-now; & then put it on a chargere tyl it be cold, & mace [make] lechys, & serve with other metys; & if thou wolt make it in spycery, then put not chickens thereto.

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