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Rabbit Brawn

Game and Offal

Rabbit meat with spices and pig meat set in a mould with pig's trotter jelly, or, more recently, prepared gelatine. The association with Cheshire appears to be modern.

Original Receipt in 'Kent & Sussex Courier' - Wednesday 23 January 1901

Rabbit Brawn.—Take the meat from a cold boiled rabbit and 11/2 lb of cooked bacon. Cut it into tiny squares. Well butter a brawn glass or tin, put in the meat with two chopped eggs (that have been previously hard boiled), with seasoning of pepper and salt. Take sufficient stock to fill the mould, dissolve in it enough gelatine, according to the size of the mould, to make the stock a thick jelly when cold. When the gelatine has quite dissolved pour the stock over the rabbit, and put it in a cold place upon ice until set.

Rabbit from 'Conny-catching' by Robert Greene, 1591

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