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Salmon Pie


Now usually a double crust pie, commonly of puff pastry, the fish in a white sauce.

Most earlier receipts, as the one from Robert May here, used sweeter and more complex flavourings:

Original Receipt in 'The Accomplisht Cook' by Robert May, 1660 (Robert May 1660);

To make minced Pies of Salmon.

Mince a rand of fresh salmon very small, with a good fresh water eel being flayed and boned; then mince, some violet leaves, sorrel, strawberry-leaves, parsley, sage, savory, marjoram, and time, mingle all together with the meat currans, cinamon, nutmeg, pepper, salt, sugar, caraways; rose-water, white-wine, and some minced orangado, put some butter in the bottom of the pies, fill them, and being baked ice them, and scrape on sugar; Make them according to these forms.

Salmon Pie Forms, from Rober May, 1660

For other types of fish pie see:
Carp Pie
Eel Pie
Fish Pie
Lyme Bay Fish Pie
Salmon Pie
Smoked Fish Pie
Suffolk Fish Pie

For other dishes see: Salmon...

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