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Salt Beef and Dumplings

Meat and Meat Dishes
South East

Beef joint soaked c5days in brine, boiled with carrots etc and dumplings. Served with mustard (British Food Trust, etc)

Original Receipt from 'A Shilling Cookery for The People' by Alexis Soyer (Soyer 1845)

78. Salt Beef. - Put in a piece of six pounds, add four quarts of cold water; boil gently for three hours. One hour before serving, wash clean, and cut the roots away of two cabbages, which cut up in small pieces, and put in the pot with the meat. When done, drain the cabbage, and place round the beef on the dish, and serve. Leave the broth or liquor from the meat on the fire, put in two pounds of split peas, a little pepper and brown sugar; boil slowly till done, and put by, uncovered, for next day, to drink with the cold meat. If more salt and pepper is required, add it : if, on the contrary, it should be too salt, add more water and a pound of potatoes. Or skim-milk may be added, and about one pound of toasted bread, cut into dice, and put in the soup when serving; or half a pound of flour, mixed with a pint of water. Every part of salted beef may be boiled thus, using about four ounces of vegetables to every pound of meat, instead of cabbage. Turnip-tops, broccoli- sprouts, green kale, carrots, turnips, Swedes, parsnips, &c. &c, may be used. Suet dumpling may be served with it.

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