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Scalding Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Batter pudding, made with scalding milk (Eaton 1822).

The term occurs in several news items of the late 19th Century, sometimes associated with a curious practice of competitive Scalding Pudding Eating. The 'Sheffield Independent' of Saturday 16 August 1845, for instance, has; "When his son was of age, the labourers were swilled with ale and were incited to run races tied up in sacks, to climb soaped poles, to eat scalding pudding, and such like exploits, greatly, of course, to their own improvement, and to the delight of their patrons."

Original Receipt in 'The Cook and Housekeeper's Dictionary' by Mary Eaton (Eaton 1822);

SCALDING PUDDING. From a pint of new milk take out enough to mix three large spoonfuls of flour into a smooth batter. Set the remainder of the milk on the fire, and when it is scalding hot, pour in the batter, and keep it on the fire till it thickens. Stir it all the time to prevent its burning, but do not let it boil. When of a proper thickness, pour it into a basin, and let it stand to cool. Then put in, six eggs, a little sugar, and some nutmeg. Boil it an hour in a basin well buttered.

Portsmouth Evening News - Saturday 16 December 1899

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