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Sloe and Apple Jelly


A jelly of sloes with apple to set, an accompaniment for meats.

Original Receipt in the 'Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette' - Saturday 07 December 1912

Crab-Apple and Sloe Jelly. - Take crab-apples (gathered) eight pounds, pounds. Cut the crab-apples in half, do not peel); place in a preserving-pan with the sloes. Add sufficient water to well cover, and cook slowly until well pulped. Break a few of the sloe stones, and put the kernels to . Strain through jelly bag. To each pint of juice allow eighteen ounces of sugar. Finish for other jellies

Original Receipt from the 'Western Gazette', Friday 04 November 1927 and repeated in other newspapers.

SLOE AND APPLE JAM. 21bs. sloes, 1 teacupful water. 2lbs. any good cooking apples, peeled and sliced, 1 teacupful of water. Cook the sloes and apples separately, then put together with 4lbs. sugar, and boil for about 20 minutes or half-an-hour.

Image: www.cranfieldsfoods.co.uk

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