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Soup Dorye


Toasted bread soaked in a broth, sweetened and coloured with saffron.

Dory or dorye is an old word meaning 'golden', as in the French 'd'or', so that the name means something like 'golden sops' .

The receipt appears in several 14th to 16th century cookbooks (Cury 1390, Liber Cure 1430, Austin 1440, etc.)

Original Receipt in 'The Forme of Cury' by the Chief Master-Cook of King Richard II, c1390 (Cury 1390)

Take Almonds brayed, draw them up with wine. Oil it, cast thereupon saffron and salt, take bread toasted in wine, lay thereof a layer and another of the sewe and all together. Flourish it with sugar powder ginger and serve it forth.

Original Receipt in the verse cookery book 'Liber Cure Cocorum', 1430 (Liber Cure 1430);

Sowpus dorre.
Take almondes, bray hem, wryng hom up;
Boyle hom with wyn rede to sup;
then temper hom with wyn, salt, I rede,
And loke thou tost fyne wete brede,
And lay in dysshes, dubene with wyne;
Do in this dysshes mete, that is so fyne;
Messe it forthe, and florysshe it then
With sugur and gynger, as I the kenne.

Original Receipt in the 15th Century 'Austin Manuscripts' (Austin 1440)

Soupes dorroy. Shere Oynonys, an fry them in oyle; thanne take wine, an boil with Oynonys, toast whyte bread an do on a dish, an caste ther-on good almond milk, & temper it with wine: thanne do the dorry a-bowte, an messe it forth.

For other almond-based soups, see
Almond Soup
Barley Cream Soup
Soup Dorye

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