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Stuffed Cabbage

Fruit and Vegetables Whole white cabbage, boiled. Heart removed, stuffed with forcemeat and seasonings, baked. Known at least since Family Guide 1747.
Original Receipt from 'Pot-luck; or, The British home cookery book' by May Byron (Byron 1914) 233. STUFFED CABBAGES (Middlesex) Take two good-sized cabbages, soak them for twenty minutes in scalding water and salt, then dip them in cold water, take out a portion of the centre, fill it with chopped veal and fat bacon seasoned with salt, pepper, and other spices, and made into a stuffing with eight yolks of eggs : then tie up the cabbage to keep in the stuffing. Put at the bottom of a saucepan some shoes of bacon, carrots, onions, and sweet herbs : over which place the cabbages, moistening them from time to time with good stock. Let the whole stew over a slow fire for at least an hour and a half, after which drain the cabbages, press them a little, and serve them up, without the herbs with which they have been cooked, with Espagnole, or any other such sauce. Remove the strings before serving.

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