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Tipsy Trifle

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Now any trifle (eg layers of sponge cake in jelly, custard and whipped cream) made with a high proportion of alcohol.

First known by this name in North America, at least since 'The Dinner Year Book' by Marion Harland (Toronto, Canada, 1879). The early receipt below contains no alcohol and is for a meringue-topped orange and custard dish

Original Receipt from 'Fish, Flesh and Fowl: A Cook Book of Valuable Recipes' by the Ladies of State Street Parish (1894), Portland, USA

Tipsy Trifle. Take six oranges, remove skin, white part and seeds; slice, put in dish with cup sugar sprinkled over them and let stand two hours. For the cream: one quart milk, yolks five eggs, one-half cup sugar, one-half cup flour, little salt; scald milk, add eggs, sugar and flour; stir briskly; add one teaspoon vanilla, grated rind two oranges; place oranges in dish and cover with cream. Beat whites of eggs to a stiff froth; add two cups powdered sugar, one-quarter teaspoon cream tartar, little vanilla, beat until stiff. Take one-half and color with strawberry, then put in dish; spoonful each alternately; brown in oven. To be eaten cold. This is delicious as well as ornamental.

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Tipsy Trifle

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