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White Ladies Pudding

Puddings and Sweet Deserts

Bread-and-butter pudding with coconut, either as flakes or coconut milk. Known locally and from newspaper reports after c1950. Believed to be named from the village of White Ladies Aston, near Worcester, which in turn takes its name from a former convent of white-clad Dominican nuns.

The original source of this receipt isn't known. Can you help? editor@foodsofengland.co.uk


6 medium-thick slices of white bread (crusts removed)
3 or 4 oz butter
4 oz desiccated coconut
1 pint milk
A pinch of salt
Vanilla essence
3 eggs
3 oz sugar

Generously butter the bread slices and cut into squares. Use remaining butter to grease a 21/2 pint pie dish. Sprinkle it with some of the coconut. Then arrange some of the bread squares in the dish. Continue layering coconut and bread until all is used up.
Heat the milk until it feels comfortably hot when tested. Remove from heat. Add salt and a few drops of vanilla essence.
Beat eggs with sugar and gradually pour in milk, stirring continually to dissolve the sugar. Pour onto the bread and coconut layers. Leave to stand for at least 30 minutes.
Stand dish in a roasting tin and pour hot water around it to come halfway up. Bake in the middle of a warm oven. Gas 3, 325 F, 160 C, for about 1 hour 30 minutes until pudding is set.
Delicious hot

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