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Whitley Goose

Cheese Dishes

Dish of boiled chopped onions mixed with cheese and cream, seasoned and topped with grated cheese, baked until top browned. Not a goose.

For similar dishes, see 'Mock Goose'

The origin of the dish is unclear, the earliest reference we can find is in the BBC magazine 'The Listener' from 1953

Original Receipt adapted from J.Salmon

Whitley Goose
4 whole onions, peeled.
4 oz of grated Cheddar cheese.
¾ of a pint of single cream.
Salt and Black pepper.
A knob of butter.

Boil the onions in lightly salted water until they are tender (15 to 20 mins)
Drain and allow to cool down a little.
Chop onions roughly and mix with half the cheese.
Use the knob of butter to grease an ovenproof dish.
Pour in the cream.
Stir in the onion/cheese mix.
Top with the rest of the cheese
Bake in preheated oven at, 400°F, 200°C, gas mark 6 for 20 to 30 minutes or until golden brown.
Will serve four if used as an accompaniment to cold meats, or two as a supper dish.

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