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Beeton's Asparagus Soup


Broth from beef and bacon with ale, pounded beet leaves, spinach, cabbage lettuce, mint, sorrel and chopped asparagus-tops (Mrs.B)

Original Receipt in 'The Book of Household Management', 1861, edited by Isabella Beeton (See Mrs.B)

113. INGREDIENTS: 5 lbs. of lean beef, 3 slices of bacon,1/2 pint of pale ale, a few leaves of white beet, spinach, 1 cabbage lettuce, a little mint, sorrel, and marjoram, a pint of asparagus-tops cut small, the crust of 1 French roll, seasoning to taste, 2 quarts of water.
Mode: Put the beef, cut in pieces and rolled in flour, into a stewpan, with the bacon at the bottom; cover it close, and set it on a slow fire, stirring it now and then till the gravy is drawn. Put in the water and ale, and season to taste with pepper and salt, and let it stew gently for 2 hours; then strain the liquor, and take off the fat, and add the white beet, spinach, cabbage lettuce, and mint, sorrel, and sweet marjoram, pounded. Let these boil up in the liquor, then put in the asparagus-tops cut small, and allow them to boil till all is tender. Serve hot, with the French roll in the dish.
Time: Altogether 3 hours. Average cost: per quart, 1s. 9d.
Seasonable: from May to August.
Sufficient: for 8 persons.

114. INGREDIENTS: 1-1/2 pint of split peas, a teacupful of gravy, 4 young onions, 1 lettuce cut small, 1/2 a head of celery, 1/2 a pint of asparagus cut small, 1/2 a pint of cream, 3 quarts of water: colour the soup with spinach juice.
Mode: Boil the peas, and rub them through a sieve; add the gravy, and then stew by themselves the celery, onions, lettuce, and asparagus, with the water. After this, stew altogether, and add the colouring and cream, and serve.
Time: Peas 2-1/2 hours, vegetables 1 hour; altogether 4 hours. Average cost: per quart, 1s.

Wood Sorrel
Asparagus Soup

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