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Quince Jam


This conserve of quince fruit is the precursor of the citrus marmalade of today.

Image: Alex Bray...

Original Receipt from 'Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts' by Mary Eales (Eales 1718)


Pare Quinces, and quarter them, putting as much Water as will cover them, and boil them all to Pieces to make Jelly; run it through a Jelly-bag; then take a Pound of Quince, pare, quarter, and cut out all the Hard of it; and to a Pound of Quinces put a Pound and a Half of Sugar fine beaten, and half a Pint of Water, and let it boil 'till it is very clear; keep it stirring, and it will break as much as shou'd be; when the Sugar is boil'd to be very thick, almost a Candy, put in half a Pint of Jelly, and let it boil very fast 'till it jellies: As soon as you take it off, put in the Juice of a Lemon; skim it well, and put it in Pots or Glasses: It is the better for having Lumps in it.


Pare the Quinces, quarter them, and cut out all that is hard; to a Pound of Quinces put in a Pound and a Half of Sugar, and half a Pint of Juice of Barberries, boil'd with Water, as you do Jelly, or other Fruit; boil it very fast, and break it very small; when it is all to Pieces, and jellies, it is enough: If you wou'd have the Marmalet of a very fine Colour, put a few black Bullace to the Barberries when you make the Jelly.

Original Receipt from 'Pot-luck; or, The British home cookery book' by May Byron (Byron 1914)

661. QUINCE JAM (Kent)

Half a pound of sugar to one pound of fruit; about a large teacupful of water to five or six pounds of fruit. Cover the stewpan close during the last ten minutes to improve the colour. The hard, dry quinces are better if peeled and put into a jar with a small quantity of sugar; the peelings can be put on the top and covered with paper and put into the oven after the bread is out, and then preserved in the usual way.


Peel the quinces and cut them into quarters, and to every pound of fruit allow three-quarters of a pound of loaf sugar with a little water. Boil them gently for three hours and put it into jars; simmer the seeds in water to a jelly, and add to the above while boiling.

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