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Westerfield White Soup


Veal knuckle broth with onion, cream, pepper, mace, cayenne, almonds and vermicelli.

How this is connected with the village of Westerfield in Suffolk is not known.

Original Receipt from 'Modern Cookery for Private Families' by Eliza Acton (Acton 1845);

Break the bone of a knuckle of veal in one or two places, and put it on to stew, with three quarts of cold water to the five pounds of meat; when it has been quite cleared from scum, add to it an ounce and a half of salt, and one mild onion, twenty corns of white pepper, and two or three blades of mace, with a little cayenne pepper. When the soup is reduced one-third by slow simmering strain it off, and set it by till cold; then free it carefully from the fat and sediment, and heat it again in a very clean stewpan. Mix with it when it boils, a pint of thick cream smoothly blended with an ounce of goop arrowroot, two ounces of very fresh vermicelli previously boiled tender in water slightly salted and well drained from it, and an ounce and a half of almonds blanched and cut in strips: give it one minute's simmer, and serve it immediately, with a French roll in the tureen.

Obs.- We have given this receipt without any variation from the original, as the soup made by it - of which we have often partaken - seemed always much approved by the guests of the hospitable country gentleman from whose family it was derived, and at whose well-arranged table it was very commonly served; but we would suggest the suppression of the almond spikes, as they seem un- suited to the preparation, and also to the taste of the present day.

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